Born a Target

by Profiling

If you are a white policeman, janitor, postal worker, etc. you can always go home and take off the uniform and you will always seem to be just another American. But if you are black brown or of another persuasion, you will be institutionally profiled as different. Unknowingly or knowingly, people will bring their biases into sizing someone up. That’s what differences in color, gender identity and gender preference is all about. While a policeman can go home and take off his or her uniform it’s not until you ask that person about themselves you are able to truly size them up, which is what happens more often than not. Let’s work on unknowingly being racist to being proactive anti-racist. That will serve this country and the world better! Don’t you think?

Profiling: We’re not talking about Law Enforcement profiling, especially the FBI, that’s another topic, we’re talking about people’s perceptions and implicit bias that are rooted in years of false assumptions and characterizations. Statistics and profiling in law enforcement serve to solve crimes, not societal dysfunctions. Slavery was the law. Women were not considered equal under the law. Black men were worth 3/5 of a white man, that was the law, among the many absurd laws America had. They have zero redeemable qualities!